First and foremost, I do appreciate the two of you and the presentations you made. You reaffirm many of my thoughts and beliefs.
As I'm sitting here and listening, having had the opportunity to read a little bit more of your presentation, Mr. Greenholtz, what came to my mind is how wonderful it would be to have individuals from Chandigarh and some of these other embassies actually listening to what is being said. I don't think you're alone. You'll find that many members of Parliament get that same sense of frustration as to why it is that we're getting so many temporary visas being denied for individuals who should be approved, quite frankly. They want to come here for funerals and for weddings. There are all sorts of wonderful, great reasons why they should be allowed to visit Canada. It's sad that we have these numbers of individuals who get turned down.
Having said that, I do want to pick up on this whole idea of procedural fairness. Is there a better way to allow for individuals who are having to apply for visitor visas, a way that would make it not only efficient but fairer? There's a suggestion by some, for example, that we should allow for the application to be received via the Internet. If it's rejected, the individual then would be afforded the opportunity to visit an embassy to make a presentation. Do you have any thoughts on that particular idea or on anything else that could allow for this sense of fairness that doesn't seem to be there today?
Maybe Mr. Greenholtz, and then Mr. Randev, if you don't mind, could comment.