No, absolutely not.
I think that with most individuals who want to visit their families, for example, for a wedding, a death, or a special function, the majority of them are all positive. They have no problem going back.
I'm talking about the individuals who are potential immigrants. With their medical files and how often the medical exams are done, if they have a period of one year or two years to wait, what happens within that period with their health status? If my health status is good today, how do I make sure that within one year it's still the same thing?
I'm not saying that everyone is not abiding by the rules and the laws. I'm talking about people who are exploiting the community right here and also in Punjab.
I think it's the responsibility of individuals like you and others to make sure we don't send a message that the applications are being rejected because it's the politics. I think we have to say that if you present your documents properly, and you follow the rules and you have gone back, you have not violated the rules—