We'll call the meeting to order. This is the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, meeting number 26, on Thursday, March 8, 2012. We are televised. The orders of the day are pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), a study on “Standing on Guard for Thee: Ensuring that Canada's Immigration System is Secure”.
Once again that clock is wrong. It is now 3:32 p.m. Second, the issue has been resolved, so we will not be going in camera to discuss committee business.
Our first witnesses are from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration. We have Sharon Chomyn, who is the director general of the international region. We have Sidney Frank. I'm sorry we have a hand-drawn nameplate for you because they were calling you Frank Sidney. Mr. Frank is the immigration program manager for New Delhi, India. It's an interesting coincidence that you're here instead of there. We appreciate you being here, the two of you.
Ms. Chomyn is going first.