Thank you to both of you for coming to make the presentations you did.
Under this new legislation, Bill C-31, we're talking about the potential for a detention for up to a year, and then over the next five years people not being able to have travel documents or to apply. That's very clear in the legislation at face value. If there is something else in the works, we certainly don't know about it.
Recently, you might have heard some announcements. It seems we have a government that has got into the habit of making proclamations, because those are ministerial orders or announcements. This bit was built into the budget, and it was the reduction in health care benefits to refugees. In light of that announcement, what kind of an impact, one way or another, do you think that would have on refugees arriving on our shores, and what kind of a case could be made for these refugees getting good health care benefits to have long-term benefits for Canada, for us as a society?