Not at all, for the reasons we have touched on already: unrealistic timelines, lack of the right of appeal, mandatory detention for many claimants for one year.
We agreed, touching on something that's been brought up a number of times, that there are problems with the current system. Why are there problems? As our colleague Maître Bohbot said, in large part because the government did not staff the Immigration and Refugee Board and essentially broke the system, and now says that because the system's broken we have to do something radical.
We agree that somebody should not have to wait two years for a decision on their refugee claim. However, we don't think you should throw out the baby with the bathwater. Thirty days is too short. No appeal makes it impossible to correct errors. Bill C-11, for all the possible criticisms, was a relatively balanced piece of legislation. We think we should be working on that and improving that, rather than going to something much more radical that denies people's rights.