Oh, all right.
I think we easily have one of the most generous packages for new immigrants and refugee claimants in the world. For example, with the Sun Sea, they didn't come here directly from Sri Lanka; they came from another place. You could almost argue that they were upgrading as they went along and they got here. God forbid that they drifted around for three months and arrived anyway. And, we took good care of them.
If you include all of the cost of that—and I'm not trying to be flippant about this—the military overflights to keep track of the ship before it got out of international waters and inside our borders, because we couldn't touch it before then, all the military stuff that went on.... If you included the actual total cost for that particular operation and applied that money to other things, such as hearing times and applying more resources to get rid of backlogs, it would have to produce the kind of effect that we all want to see. It has to.