Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair, honourable members of the committee, ladies and gentlemen, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or UNHCR, welcomes the opportunity to comment before the committee on Bill C-31, the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act.
UNHCR offers these comments on federal legislation further to the mandate entrusted to it by the United Nations General Assembly, in other words, to direct and coordinate international efforts to protect refugees around the world and to seek solutions to their problems.
UNHCR recognizes the strength of Canada's commitment to protecting refugees around the world, as well as the challenges that the country must address. Canada must ensure the sustainability of its system and maintain its high standards in protecting displaced individuals seeking asylum, while finding durable solutions within its borders.
The UNHCR written submission, a copy of which has been provided to this committee, provides our full comments and recommendations regarding Bill C-31.
My comments today will focus on selected provisions of the bill that will have the most significant impact on Canada's asylum procedures. These comments fall within two general themes: provisions that provide for the differential categorization of asylum seekers and provisions that have the effect of restricting access to the asylum process.
Regarding the designation of foreign nationals as irregular arrivals, UNHCR understands and shares the Government of Canada's concern about the need to combat people smugglers. Yet asylum seekers are often compelled to resort to smugglers to reach safety. The proposed designation of irregular arrivals may lead to an unwarranted penalization of those in need of international protection and, in effect, punish the victims of the smugglers or traffickers for having sought to escape persecution.
With regard to the grounds for designating someone as an irregular arrival, Bill C-31 will create two classes of asylum seekers and refugees in Canada based on the designation provision. Of particular concern is the designation for operational reasons.
Consequences of the designation that are of concern to UNHCR include mandatory detention without review for 12 months, no appeal rights, restriction on the issuance of convention travel documents—which may be at variance with article 28 of the 1951 convention—reporting requirements despite the granting of convention refugee status, and the five-year bar on regularizing status and its implications for family unity.
UNHCR recalls that the principle of family unity is enshrined in international law. The UNHCR executive committee, of which Canada is a founding member, has underlined on several occasions the need for the unity of the refugee's family to be protected. From a non-discrimination point of view, UNHCR does not believe that the grounds for designation as irregular arrivals provide a legitimate justification for a substantially differentiated treatment. The legislation may be at variance with human rights-based non-discrimination guarantees contained in international human rights instruments.
UNHCR's long-standing position has been that the detention of an asylum seeker is inherently undesirable. The situation of asylum seekers differs fundamentally from that of ordinary immigrants in that asylum seekers may not be in a position to comply with the legal formalities for entry, not least because of the urgency of their flight or their inability to approach authorities. Article 31 of the 1951 convention takes this situation into account and prohibits penalties being imposed on refugees on account of their illegal entry or presence.
The United Nations Human Rights Committee has noted that for detention to be lawful, it must pursue a legitimate governmental objective that it is determined to be necessary, reasonable in all circumstances, and proportionate in each individual case, and that detention can only be justified where other less invasive and coercive measures have been considered, and that mandatory and non-reviewable detention is unlawful as a matter of international law.
In UNHCR's view, the relevant provision of Bill C-31 as currently drafted would be at variance with several international standards. For these reasons, UNHCR strongly recommends that the government refrain from introducing a mandatory detention regime for irregular arrivals in relation to refugees and asylum seekers, and that alternatives to detention be explored.
Regarding designated country of origin, UNHCR does not oppose the introduction of a designated or safe country of origin list as long as this is used as a procedural tool to prioritize or accelerate the examination of applications in carefully circumscribed situations.
The designation of a country as a safe country of origin cannot establish an absolute guarantee of safety for nationals of that country. It may be that despite general conditions of safety in the country of origin, for some individuals the country remains unsafe.
It is important than an assessment of countries of origin as safe is based on reliable, objective, and up-to-date information from a range of sources. One way of achieving transparency and quality decision-making could be by ensuring that the designation is done by a panel of experts.
I now wish to turn to measures that UNHCR fears may restrict access to the asylum process.
Regarding the restriction of access on asylum on criminality grounds, in UNHCR's view asylum applications should not be considered inadmissible unless the individual concerned has already found effective protection or access to an asylum procedure in another country.
UNHCR has already expressed its views in the past over exclusion elements being examined under the heading of ineligibility or inadmissibility to the refugee proceedings. Our submission to this very committee on March 5, 2001, which set out the office comments on the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, remain valid. UNHCR is of the opinion that exclusion from refugee status on criminality grounds should be considered in accordance with article 1F of the 1951 convention, within the assessment to determine the merits of the claim, rather than at the admissibility or eligibility stage.
Regarding shortened time limits under the new asylum process, UNHCR supports efforts by government authorities to decide applications in a timely manner. However, states need to balance efficiency with the fairness of the procedure. Overly restrictive timeframes in the context of a sophisticated asylum process can lead to increased rates of abandonment and the rise of a number of unrepresented claimants. Asylum claimants do not ordinarily have the knowledge to navigate the legal system. Even where a client retains counsel, enough time needs to be allowed for applicants to apply for legal aid and to find a counsel. The consequence of abandonment are, in effect, a final, negative decision, as there is no right to an appeal or access to a pre-removal risk assessment for one year after the negative decision. In this respect, appropriate resources should be allocated towards creating, maintaining, and supplementing legal services for asylum seekers.
Regarding the refugee appeal division, UNHCR welcomes the implementation of the RAD; however, it would recommend that an appeal be available to all claimants. The right to appeal is a fundamental requirement of a fair and efficient asylum procedure, to which no exception should be made. At the core of the 1951 convention principle lies the principle of non-refoulement, whereby those with protection needs cannot be returned to a place where they will be at risk of persecution. The purpose of a second review through an appeal mechanism is to ensure that errors of fact or law, at the first instance, can be corrected to avoid injustice and to ensure respect for the principle of non-refoulement.
Regarding restricted access to the pre-risk removal assessment and to humanitarian and compassionate applications, pre-removal risk assessments and humanitarian and compassionate applications are important safeguards against the deportation of persons who are not recognized as refugees according to the law, but who are still in need of international protection. In particular, given that many categories of asylum seeker will not have access to an appeal under the RAD, the availability of such mechanisms are all the more important to maintain as a procedural safeguard.
Regarding the reopening of a refugee claim, UNHCR maintains that claims for protection should be reopened when new evidence comes to light, including situations where there has been a breach of natural justice, to allow for the claim to be re-examined in its entirety, and recommends that the jurisdiction of the RPD and the RAD to reopen claims be affirmed.
Regarding the cessation of refugee status, the proposed amendments in the bill to bar the appeal against a negative decision on cessation of refugee status, leading to subsequent possible revocation of permanent resident status, will result in a state of uncertainty for many refugees, including resettled refugees, and thus will undermine the durable nature of the resettlement solution. UNHCR recommends the decision on cessation should be subject to appeals and should not automatically bar access to or revoke permanent resident status.
Finally, regarding the disclosure of information, in the context of refugees and asylum seekers, UNHCR recommends that appropriate safeguards be introduced in the text of Bill C-31 to avoid the transmission of biometric and other information, either directly or through a third party, to countries of alleged persecution.
Chairman Tilson, honourable committee members, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you.