Thank you very much.
I want to thank the three of you for coming to present before the committee.
As you know, we have our Bill C-11, and Bill C-11 hasn't been fully implemented yet. As a matter of fact, we've only implemented a very short part of it. So without seeing if the great Canadian compromise actually will resolve issues, we're now into the process of rewriting a legislation again.
My first question is for one of you, Reverends. Are you aware that as well as the threat of someone being sent back, losing their refugee status, or their PDR, if they travel back...or if in the country of their origin things improve, that exists, but also for the first five years they would not have travel documents, nor could they apply for family reunification? Then, once they apply at the end of the five years, you know we don't have a speedy system. It's like mercury after that as well.
So what kind of impact would that have on families that you have been dealing with? You have some experience of having that kind of a separation.