I think there are lots of tools you can work with, and if you resource the system sufficiently....
l'll tell you something; the success or failure of this determination process isn't going to be decided here, in this room. It's going to be decided in the hearing room, and it's going to be decided based on a series of things. If the IRB can create a cadre of competent decision-makers who can make good decisions, if there are enough IRB members who make good decisions, then the system will succeed.
We'll challenge certain aspects of it, but good decision-makers will find ways to make competent and fair decisions, notwithstanding the constraints that the legislation will impose upon them.
You can create legislation, but if you don't have sufficient resources....
I can tell you, from 1976 until now, every system has failed. This is the fifth time I've been here. Every system has failed.
It's failed because of two things: not enough decision-makers and not competent decision-makers.