You know, my family came to Canada a number of generations ago. They were economic refugees from Europe. In terms of the reunification of the family, one member got here and then facilitated the arrival of others.
Family reunification, helping families come together and contribute to Canadian society, has always been an important part of our system, of the way we do business as Canadians. So provisions that will stand in the way for the folks that we support through our refugee programs...not just us within the diocese of Ottawa but for all the sponsorship agreement-holders in Canada, although we're not speaking for them. Provisions that stand in the way of family reunification, of helping a mother connect with her son who was kidnapped, escaped from his kidnapper, got back to a safe country, or a safer country, and then through family reunification was brought here to Canada—things that stand in the way, like that, I can't see it, ma'am. I really can't.
We need to create a system that will allow families to be together; allow legitimate refugees who have been screened overseas by Immigration Canada to find their way to Canada in a timely manner; and allow their families to be reunified after some of the terrible, terrible traumas—that I can't even imagine—that they've experienced.