Yes, thank you, Mr. Chairperson.
Having moved the amendment itself, I am suggesting, in brief, that it allows for the release of a person within the 12-month mandatory detention. As you can tell on the previous two amendments, the mandatory detention has been an issue that has been hotly discussed and debated inside the committee. The vast majority, possibly, of all the presentations that we heard expressed concerns regarding the mandatory detention.
We've made it very clear as a political entity that being the Liberal Party, we do not support mandatory detention. We do believe there will be a constitutional challenge, an ultimately successful constitutional challenge, in regard to the mandatory detention the government has put into place. It is very unique. It's very hurtful in terms of Canada's international image. It's very hurtful in terms of the individuals. And this is what we really need to take note of, the individuals who are being put into or placed into mandatory detention.
Therefore, I would suggest that members support this particular amendment. But prior to the vote, Mr. Chairperson, I would ask Mr. Dykstra if in fact the government is prepared to share any legal opinion with the committee membership that would suggest that it is in compliance, or any legal opinion they have in regard to the mandatory detention issue. Is he prepared to share any legal document on that?