That's right. Switching documents is common, but once you match the document to the biometrics, face or finger, you can't switch the document without being found out. As soon as you put your passport down and take your picture or your fingerprint, the discrepancy shows.
With e-passports—and almost all countries, a hundred by the end of this year, will have those—the biometrics are embedded in a chip. It's very difficult to change that if you're forging a document. I think you really have a big step forward in the ability to verify that the person you're dealing with is the person they say they are, whether their name is the same or not.
The last one was all of those different spellings of Mohammad. Most countries we see have an ability to search on 112 spellings of “Mohammad”. I don't know if Canada has that, but I do know the U.K. does.