Let the people whose own money is involved in hiring people decide whether the person who lives in a foreign country and wants to come to Canada has the qualifications and abilities to earn the wage they have to pay, rather than have some technocrat in some remote embassy decide: “Oh, he has so many points for education. Well, I'm not quite sure whether a PhD in Greek studies from a university in Manchuria is adequate or proper, but after all, Ottawa has said that if he has a PhD, we should let him in.” Then he comes here and we find out that his ability to teach Greek in a university is not there. This is a caricature of the problems we face.
My wife is a doctor. I can tell you that the amount of knowledge she has to acquire every day in order to keep current is unbelievable. I do not see how people graduating from a medical school in some remote university in a developing country claim that they are doctors, yet are running around driving taxis and telling everybody who will listen, “I am a poor discriminated-against doctor who could help Canada so much.” Who is going to decide on these qualifications? Would you be willing to admit this person to treat your daughter?