Thank you, George.
Madam Vice-Chair, members of the committee, thank you for having me here again. I'm a great friend of Canada, and it is at my colleague's request that I appear before you.
Please note that all the comments made today are my own and are not reflective of any organizations I may be affiliated with.
As noted in my previous testimony before this committee, I'm not here to address any laws in specific terms, as it is not my place as an American to do so. What I can offer is my perspective as the former deputy director for operations support at our National Counterterrorism Center. As the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Security Integration, I can offer my specific observations on issues of intelligence gathering, information sharing, particularly within the inter-agency and international context. I can also give you a view to assist you to define your own unique Canadian interests as they may relate to immigration policies.
The degree to which we can be proactive is the degree to which we both shall succeed or fail as we face the challenges that lie ahead for both our nations. Within that context, the challenges that both Canada and the United States face with respect to border security and immigration can only be resolved through both nations working together, as we have done in the air and missile defence of North America through NORAD.
The key to working together is to ensure that not only are the policies and programs implemented in both nations aligned, but that each nation is comfortable with the measures that are in place to address our customs and immigration challenges.
I can state that in my professional experience, addressing these challenges is not only about ensuring that the necessary equipment and resources are in place, but equally, if not more importantly, it's about ensuring that the intelligence and law enforcement information upon which decisions are based is sound.
For example, biometrics are often presented as a potential solution to solve many of the immigration issues we both experience, but it would be naïve to believe that implementing expensive technical solutions without the necessary intelligence to inform the technology is the sole answer.
Canada's membership in the Five Eyes provides access to significant amounts of information that can be used to better assess the potential risks posed by individuals attempting to enter the country. This information must be readily available to the appropriate decision-makers and shared across agencies, something that both of our nations can do better. Even if the information were made available and utilized properly, there are secondary and tertiary concerns that must be addressed before courses of action are undertaken.
For example, the security and assurance of the information must of course be protected. This means it is paramount that the infrastructure and architecture of the security and intelligence apparatuses used create a level of confidence amongst Canadian allies in order to have a more open flow of information, as this information will ultimately help ensure that only legitimate persons enter Canadian territory.
The strong relationship between Canada and the United States must always consider political dynamics that face our respective countries, as these same political dynamics could have significant impact on moving border and inter-agency initiatives forward. A mutual respect and understanding of the political winds of both countries should be considered when any courses of action are taken, thus ensuring that there are no misconceptions or misunderstandings.
The United States works hard to ensure that its border, immigration, and security policies are corrected, as does Canada work hard on these very same issues. Our nations have built our relationship on trust and mutual cooperation, and that should continue to be the case. As we work to constantly improve that sense of trust, that spirit of cooperation, and the practice of sharing information between nations, we must each work on similar relationships between our own departments, ministries, organizations, states, and provinces.
We must constantly strive to eliminate the cultural and procedural barriers that exist within our own nations and across domestic departments. We must consider ways to collect vital information that impacts our respective homeland security, yet protect methods and sources. We must learn to integrate intelligence and law enforcement information, yet protect the individual rights of our citizenry.
While the focus of today's homeland security has brought the threat closer to home, we must remember that the environment is not only intelligence-centric, but it is rule-of-law-centric as well. In the 21st century, where transnational crime and terrorism pose substantial and increasing threats and risks, it is worrisome for both our countries that the growing nexus between criminality and terrorism force multiplies the threats we face today.
We require a better understanding of today's and tomorrow's challenges in order to best address them, and we must move away from our past definition of those challenges. We must address the challenges in context as they are today and will be tomorrow, not as they were yesterday, for it is proactivity that shall determine our collective future successes or failures.
Your country, much like my own, was built on sound immigration policy, and ensuring these policies remain sound and go forward will be a determining factor in the positive growth of both our great nations.
In closing, both the United States and Canada have talented security and intelligence professionals to perform the work that lies ahead. These people exist both within and outside the government. It should be a priority of government to engage these professionals and use to the fullest capability the sound knowledge and practical solutions they offer to the security problems our nations face together.
We must ensure the right personnel are in the right positions. This human capacity, supported by sound and safeguarded intelligence, operating collaboratively between domestic agencies and international partners, will ensure that the legitimate traveller and the legitimate refugee are properly admitted to our countries, thus enjoying all the wonderful opportunities your country and mine have to offer.