One of the means used particularly by refugee claimants to extend their stay here is to stay as long as they can with as many appeals as possible. They’re likely to have stronger grounds for a humanitarian and compassionate case the longer they stay here. They may marry a Canadian or very often their children are growing up in Canada and they try to use it as a justification for not being sent back.
It may sound harsh, but if they want to keep their family with them, the family can go back too. I can understand, in a way, the desire to be sympathetic towards children who weren’t involved in these things. The fact is, if someone comes here as a war criminal and is a serious case and we have to send them home, they've got the option of taking their family with them. I cannot see Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad being able to claim that he should be able to stay here—he's a convicted terrorist—because he'd have to pay for his own health care. I don't know what happened to that claim. He probably wasn't successful, but he is still here.
Some of these cases can tug at your heartstrings, but I think you have to be reasonable and balanced. Removing the H and C is perfectly reasonable when you look at the whole picture.