Sir, just hold on a second.
The chair always wants to give people the time to respond to questions, and I want to do the same, but we have seven minutes, and it cuts into the area that I'd like to go to. I know this isn't an easy dialogue to have because it's technical. The fact is the example that you cite is someone who was refused refugee status. She didn't qualify for refugee status. You're making the leap.
The examples we bring up are of convicted individuals. They've gone through court and have been convicted of a crime. You're speaking about, and you want to concentrate on, a very small area where an individual was not given refugee status. You may have your opinion as to whether the IRB made a correct or incorrect decision, and I respect that, but you can't use a decision that was denied to suggest that this individual has now been denied something else when they don't have refugee status to begin with.