I want to address that to leverage off a point that Admiral Loren made. There is a real lack of consciousness in Canada about this thing called asymmetry. The 21st century has fundamentally changed the game. For the first time in human history, a single individual can make war on the entire planet. A single individual using a technology as common as his computer can cause devastating destruction in a country.
Yesterday I did a simulation at York University. We used exactly that scenario of a single individual in this country, unhappy for whatever reason, who perpetrated a cyber attack that impacted our critical infrastructure. The cost of that was devastating and the best professionals in the room had no idea how to cope with something as simple as that.
We have things to fear that we did not need to fear a generation ago. We have an entire generation of people who can cause us injury, unexpected in previous times. That's why it is important for us to be vigilant. We are not concerned about the vast majority of immigrants who come to this country. What we are concerned about is the asymmetrical threat that can cause us undue harm. That harm can be not disastrous, ladies and gentlemen; it can in fact be catastrophic.