I don't want to say the other two are minor points, but I don't think they will take as long.
Yesterday, Mr. Linklater indicated, and you may have as well, the cost of this has not been determined. The process of going to Treasury Board is not unlike any other standard budget item. The budget gets passed. The allocation of funds as to what is going to happen is passed through that budget. How those funds are actually spent with respect to implementation must all go to Treasury Board to be passed to ensure that every ministry is spending each of the dollars exactly as outlined, and that gives the process.
While the fee isn't outlined in the budget, certainly the process upon which the fee will be determined is not unlike other ministries that have to go to Treasury Board for approval to spend the money that they've been allocated.
I did hear Les say yesterday, and I thought you did as well, but perhaps you could confirm that the costs are going to be similar to what other countries are expending in terms of what the charge is.