Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just want to add a little more to what my colleague has spoken about. I want to reiterate the fact that clause 24 redefines serious criminality to crimes punishable by a term of imprisonment of at least six months, which has the effect of precluding access to an appeal.
Access to an appeal is a very important piece of our immigration system and of a fair, transparent process. We have heard from many witnesses that they also agree that there exists a need for due process, and that eliminating the right to appeal for permanent residents is a grave concern in this legislation as it is presented.
We also heard from witnesses their concerns for individuals who would now be denied their due process. Two of the examples that came up again and again were individuals who came to Canada as children, lived most of their lives in Canada without any family connections to their country of birth, and some may not even speak the language of their country of birth, yet they could now be returned to that country without the opportunity of an appeal.
The second example that came up again and again was individuals who may have mental health issues who would fall through the cracks. It's also reasonable to exempt conditional sentences.
Once again, I am just reiterating things that we heard from witnesses. This very reasonable amendment would make it so that, for example, that child is not caught up in the provision.
It could have been me, if my father had not been with it enough to know the Canadian immigration and citizenship process, and Canadian laws. He knew that we weren't deemed naturalized citizens just by being here for a certain number of years and that we needed to apply for it. I could have been that child. It's not that I was going to be involved in criminal activities, but I am a person who was born outside this country and came here as a young child. I don't really know many people in my country of birth nor have I maintained those family connections. If I were to be sent back, I would be lost and would not be able to continue life in a very meaningful way.
Mr. Chair, I don't know what the member across is saying; I couldn't hear.