I can speak to that.
We have seen a large increase of tourism business from China compared with that of last year. We're up in the neighbourhood of 35% over the number of applications we had last year.
We've been taking a number of steps with our global case management system to share work across our network. Offices in Hong Kong may not be quite as busy as those in Beijing, so Hong Kong is picking up some of the work for Beijing.
Where people have gone to visa application centres, those applications are transferred securely by electronic means. Work is done to prepare the file to get it decision-ready in Ottawa while Beijing is sleeping. Then, when Beijing wakes up the next morning, it has a raft of files ready to work on. So we've been using technology to that extent.
We are looking forward to, in not too long a time, just another couple of weeks, e-applications being available for temporary resident applicants. That will be another game changer for us. The more we can get the information and the applications in electronically, the more we will be able to shift the work around.