It is very difficult to determine numbers. The director recently referred to dozens—in the range of 45 to 60 individuals identified.
It is a challenge because we will get reporting, for instance, that says, “There's a Canadian here”, and we don't know if this is a new individual, because it just says it's a Canadian, or whether it's one of the individuals we've already confirmed. So there's always a risk of double counting.
There's a risk of inaccuracy. People are referred to as Canadians because of their accent or because of their references to hockey playoffs or something along those lines. I jest about hockey playoffs, but there are all kinds of factors that may lead to a conclusion that individuals are Canadian and in fact they aren't. If we're just getting this information from a foreign agency, it will be difficult to corroborate.
There are also some difficulties about travel and time and where these individuals are. That said, our number is roughly in the 45 to 60 area, so dozens of individuals.