The issue of what the minimum sentence should be is not an issue that B'nai Brith has taken a stand on.
I noticed you referred in your preamble to the due process, and that's something we did address in the bill. I appreciate that there is a process. As you point out, there is the section 18 process.
The concern we have is that that's a different process from the process for revocation for fraud and misrepresentation that exists now. We should have a uniform process for revocation. It shouldn't be a different process depending on the grounds of loss of citizenship. It just gets too confusing.
As well, the process we have for revocation now, in my view, is a better process than the one that's set out in section 18. It goes straight to the Federal Court, rather than to the minister, the citizenship judge, and then to the Federal Court by way of judicial review, which is a lot more limited review.
I would encourage an amendment to the bill to have the same process for loss of citizenship under this bill as already exists for loss of citizenship under the Citizenship Act.