We haven't done an analysis of the cost of implementing these provisions. However, the CIC minister, Minister Kenney, has already noted that we anticipate these provisions would apply in very exceptional circumstances, in very few cases.
If I understand, the costs you're quoting from the other witness relate to the revocation process, which is a fairly complex and burdensome process that's multi-stepped and involves not only cabinet but also the Federal Court. Here we're talking about the renunciation process, where a decision is made by a citizenship judge. The cases are few, and the evidence would be prepared by the department.
It's a simpler, more straightforward process, but with the important procedural safeguards built in. It would be a less expensive process than the revocation process, and the cases would be few. So I don't imagine the costs would be anywhere near approaching those sums, although we haven't done a study of the costs.