Thanks, Mr. Chair.
We're all bound here by rules, the Standing Orders of the House of Commons, and sometimes we rely on others to point these out to us, but definitely it's our reference point.
When I look at Standing Order 97.1 on page 71, Mr. Dykstra, just in case you were wondering, its says that within 60 sitting days from the date of the bill's reference to the committee we “shall”—it's not “may”—
...either report the bill to the House with or without amendment or present to the House a report containing a recommendation not to proceed further with the bill and giving the reasons therefor or requesting a single extension of thirty sitting days to consider the bill, and giving the reasons therefor.
This doesn't say to go and ask for an expansion of the mandate. The report that goes back to the House is the bill, with or without amendments, or it is asking for an extension of 30 days, that we need longer to study the bill. I just wanted to point that out for those who are considering.... I thought the second part was interesting as well, that we have to end our report either recommending...we can recommend not to proceed with the bill further and then maybe a new bill could come forward.
I don't know, but in reading this, I don't see how the recommendation you moved fits in with this. I'm waiting to be enlightened.