As the chair, I'm going to actually say something here myself. Our meeting begins at 8:45. I walked into the meeting room at 8:45, a little bit late, so I do apologize. We already had the witness sitting in the chair, and two of them sitting on the screen—hello, Lillian; hi, Kent. What I did then was I proceeded with the business. I had already started with this agenda item.
Now, in the interest of compromise I have a suggestion here. I'm hoping every side will listen. We hear from this set of witnesses. We deal with the questions and answers for this set of witnesses. Then we move on to the committee business before we go on to the next set of witnesses, in respect of the fact that we do have witnesses here from different time zones and we have one witness who definitely had finished her introduction. I think that would give us more than enough time, more time than we ever allocate for committee business. That would be the chair's ruling in this case.