No, you can talk about the colour of wedding dresses as long as you don't reference the exact conversation that occurred while we were in camera. For example, you could ask another question of any member about the colour for the wedding dresses, if that's your desire, if that's how you want to use up your committee time, but it would not be right for you to reference what happened in camera previously.
Look, the chair is just going to try to chair and follow the rules we have. When I remind people about being in camera, it's also to remind us about the obligations and responsibilities we have as parliamentarians and about the respect we have for our institutions and our committees. In camera has to mean something. Because it has to mean something, I'm just trying to explain to people how, why, and when they can or cannot make reference to something. I was not trying to make any other point at all.
I am going to go back to the speaker, unless I have a point of order.
Do you have a point of order, Mr. Shory?