Chair, I appreciate the opportunity to debate this matter a little further. I don't know exactly whether this specific topic has been raised before, although the fact that a topic has been raised before doesn't necessarily mean it's repetitive. Maybe some people have different arguments or are more persuasive.
One of the reasons I am opposed to this extension being requested is that it puts the committee in a position to be actually facilitating a process that would deprive the consideration of the proposed changes to the Department of Justice for vetting under the requirements of compliance with the Charter of Rights. When government presents legislation to the House, there's a requirement under law that the bill be presented to the Department of Justice for an opinion as to whether or not there's compliance with the Charter of Rights. There's been quite a bit of debate about that within the past year. In fact there's a case before the Federal Court of Canada as to whether or not that process has been conducted properly. It's been a matter of public debate in legal circles and the point about whether or not the justice department is doing a proper job or being given the wrong instructions has been raised in Parliament on a number of occasions. However—