Yes, I mean firefighters. Thank you, Mr. Menegakis.
Our firefighters put their lives on the line. There was a firefighter who passed away—actually, I think it was two—and there was a huge service in the city of Winnipeg. It is saddening, when we lose someone to a fire, especially firefighters. I don't know how many times I have heard, whether in the House of Commons or inside the Manitoba legislature, reference to 9/11. You have these first responders.... As everyone is evacuating a scary situation, you have first responders who are going into it. These people are heroes too.
Should you give some consideration to reducing the three years to two years in that category? But then again, all of a sudden, now we start coming up with this list.
I've argued that in the province of Manitoba our health care workers are the backbone of our health care services. If you ask Canadians what the one thing is that makes them feel really good about being a Canadian or calling Canada home, more often than not—more often than any other issue—they're going to say health care. They believe and they want and they desire our health care services.
That's for good reason. We have the best system in the world. Yes, there are some flaws. Yes, we need to see stronger leadership. We want to see that 2014 Paul Martin accord renewed so that there is more long-term security and we continue to see this federal investment in health care. I have a lot of concerns about the administration and management of health care. I think there is a stronger role that Ottawa can play in assisting provinces through national standards and many other things. But you'll find that they're saying health care is one of the things they identify the most with.
Well, if you put it in the perspective of the backbone, and I've said this on numerous occasions, Madam Chair—some people think that I might be a little talkative here in Ottawa, but I can assure you that I talked more when I was in Manitoba—the health care worker is very important. I'm wondering whether we should add heart surgeons or our registered nurses or LPNs. These are important people too. Should that category be reduced from three years to two years?
Madam Chair, you may get the general gist of where it is I'm going with this. I had someone suggest to me, and I think I may have made reference to this in my second reading comments, I'm just not sure.... Many would say that the reason you want to do this is that it assists in settlement. If you encourage and say it's two years, if you're in the Canadian Forces, that is going to really benefit Canada as a whole, because it allows that person to be better able to settle in our beloved Canada.
Well, Madam Chair, one could ultimately argue for those who participate in volunteer organizations or charitable groups. I can think of a number of charitable groups—the cancer foundations....
In the House right now, they're debating.... I don't know; they may be adjourned. I don't think they're adjourned. They're supposed to be—