It's two hours in third reading.
The nice thing is that, in that two hours, you could see maybe 12 members stand up and speak. Who would be the first one to speak, Madam Chair? It's always the person who came up with the idea, who brought it through the first reading, took the time to do the first reading, the second reading, and got the vote in second reading—and generally speaking, it's always a stand-up vote—then got it through the committee, and now it's in third reading. They are the first person to stand in their place and say, “Here is my bill. It's passed everything else”. Now they're anxious to see it get through the third-reading process.
They know they have only two hours, which is significantly different than for a government bill, Madam Chair.
What could happen with a government bill? Maybe I'll talk about the government bills, or I'll do the contrast because I don't want to lose the focus in terms of the private member's bill. I'll go to the government bills right after that.