Chair, several times today when I have raised my hand to speak on a point of order, you have recognized me on your list as one of the people who are to speak on a point of order. You have then made rulings before I have been able to speak and I have not been able to make my points.
My points have not been repetitive. I really believe I am bringing a different perspective when I am speaking, and you have made rulings before I was able to speak. Then, when I tried to speak, you have cut me off and told me I was no longer able to speak because you had already ruled. But I had been recognized, and I believe that I have spent this entire morning essentially being cut off after speaking one or two sentences. I am getting a little frustrated by it, frankly.
So I would ask that when you recognize me as a speaker on a point of order that you at least get to me before you then rule. Thank you.