Thank you.
My point of order is that the motion that Mr. Dykstra put forward that a question be put is actually out of order, Mr. Chair. The question cannot be called at this stage in committee based on our rules of procedure.
I can go to the page where it talks about the duties of a chair, that the duty of the chair is to uphold the practices and procedures in this House as well as the standing orders. Just because the government has a majority of members on this committee, the chair cannot allow the government members to say that they are above our practices and rules that we abide by.
So, Mr. Chair, I respectfully submit to you that you are the one who should be upholding our rules and not allowing the government members to bully you into making up their own rules just because there's a majority of them. They can't just make up their own rules, Mr. Chair. We have written rules and these are the rules that we follow for a reason.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.