When did committee become a structure upon which the only thing the opposition does is ask questions of the chair? That is not presenting arguments as to why the government should not be supporting the 30-day extension, which is the motion that is sitting here. If there's a clarification specifically related to the extension or to the motion, that's fine. But if these are just hypothetical questions about how committee works, how it's structured, and what the rights of an individual are, those are not arguments.
I would say that we are getting precariously close to the opposition having nothing left in terms of presenting arguments that have not been made already. If it is the case that we have an opposition that is simply now asking the clerk, through you, for clarification on nebulous issues, that means we should be having a vote, Mr. Chair.
I suspect that very shortly you'll be able to say there are no arguments coming from the opposition, and call the question.