If I could ask the indulgence of the committee for a minute.
I will get to you, Mr. Harris.
I'm not making a ruling, Ms. Sims, but some more words have jumped out that you just read and that is:
In practice, the Speaker allows some latitude—if the rules are applied too rigidly, they have the potential for severely curtailing debate....
These are the words that jump out: “If they are neglected”. In other words, it may get to the point where I'm allowing too much leeway.
...if they are neglected, the resultant loss of debating time may prevent other Members from participating in debate.
I appreciate your giving me those words. It seems to me possible that I can give too much leeway. In my opinion, and members can challenge me on that, I have been giving a lot of leeway to members to speak, even though I believe there's been repetition and irrelevance. I appreciate your drawing those words to my attention, and I will keep those in mind.
Mr. Harris.