Okay, now we're getting more into debate. Let me say this, what we have on the floor right now is an amendment. The amendment is there amending.... It's not like after a colon. It actually says, “sitting days and that this request”. So when you're dealing with that amendment, it's very difficult only to talk about that last “and” without referencing what goes in front of it. Otherwise, we're back into one of those things again: yea or nay.
So to be fair—and I am really trying to hear your concern—I would urge the member to remember that we are here to speak to the amendment. Even though the amendment does amend the paragraph before it, or the sentence before it, and it does actually give the member some latitude to talk about what the amendment will actually do and talk about the content—so it does have that kind of latitude—I would urge the member not to go off fishing in a far river.