Yes, I have. It happened to me one time. I was approached to do a sponsorship appeal. I was hired by a women and her family to do a sponsorship appeal, and the first time I met her alone and isolated from her family, she told me that she was being forced to do this, that she had not wanted to marry the person, and that she wanted to find some way to get out of it, but she couldn't let her family know.
That put me in a really difficult position obviously. As it ended up, I couldn't continue to act, because it put me in a conflict of interest against her husband. But I feel that if this had come up at an earlier time and if someone had spoken to her alone at a much earlier stage than that, she might not have come to that position. That's why I recommended earlier that at some point during the sponsorship process, somebody should speak to the woman and ask her certain probing questions about whether there is coercion or abuse involved.