I am an immigrant, and when I came in I got a lot of support in finding a job. Emploi-Québec helped me even before I came in. I was part of teleconferences looking at my background, my qualifications, how I could use them when I came.
Similarly, when a new immigrant is coming in as a spouse, before and after he or she comes here, there should be those kinds of services, that outreach. The immigrant has to take part in those services and sessions to learn about his or her rights, the legal situation in Canada, in a very simple way.
The government can make some simple worksheets, handbooks, which would help them to understand the laws as they would apply to them. What do they do if they are abused? What are their rights if they are abused? Would they be sent back to their home country if they report abuse? It's questions like that. They should be given to young women when they come into Canada.
There should be a continuation of the process, where social services providers stay in touch with them and build a relationship with them and also help them to get skills that allow them to express themselves, to learn the language, to find local supports. Usually women like to find support in their community, but they need to be really helped so they can find those supports and reach out to them and know where they can go if they need support.