In principle, it certainly does.
Again, I began at the opening by saying we hold citizenship in Canada as a privilege.
Again, going back to the hockey jersey analogy, everyone has the chance to try out. You've done your part, you've earned a spot on the team, and you're handed a jersey. If we find out later that you have done things that are quite contrary, against your teammates, your jersey should be taken away and your spot on the team should be taken away.
I think we do hold to that. The only concern I have with it, as I raised, with respect to the convictions from a foreign nation are, again, what the ultimate decider is as to whether or not it's to the standard of Canadian jurisprudence. To me currently and in the current drafting, that remains slightly unclear. Again, I would invite the committee to take a look at that particular portion of it to come to some clarity with respect to who decides that and how.