I'll give you reasons. We have discussed it in our meetings, and it came out even in our presentations to the Major commission, chaired by Justice Major.
We are very perturbed by the criminals who use Canadian citizenship as a shield to commit crime. We have a very good example in today's judgment of the Supreme Court. Does anybody remember when the process started? It must be at least 10 years ago, and, God knows, it may continue for another 10 years, because he will use the excuse that he will be tortured in Algeria if he's deported there. That's a very good example of people using the loopholes in our system.
I will give you a very good example related to the Air India tragedy. A person who is still in Canada made the statement in the U.S.A., in Madison Square Garden, that they would kill 60,000 Hindus, and he's a Canadian citizen. Nothing has happened to him.
We have to wake up. The next time, I'm sorry to say.... And I don't need sympathy. I've waited 29 years. A child who was five and a half years old at that time lost a mother. She is now a pediatrician in Ottawa.
But what we need is support from our lawmakers to keep terrorism away from Canada. We don't need sympathy. We have had enough of it. We need the politicians not to associate with people or organizations who are known to glorify terrorism and in that way encourage it, whether it be a religious activity.... And that applies to all political parties.