Do I have time? I have one more minute? Fabulous.
I'd like to also touch on the residency requirement, because I know that one of you mentioned it. I think Mr. McCallum may have touched on the pre-PR time, on the people who are spending time in this country. We've heard many people say that getting the Canadian experience, committing to being Canadian, and living like a Canadian has value and is important for Canadian citizenship. For people who are living as international students, Ms. Siddiqui, I know you said that whether they come here as international students for four or five years, and they're living like Canadians, paying taxes and whatever, they should still wait out the time like everybody else does.
How about people who are coming to Canada as conditional permanent residents? These are usually women who come as spouses, who come through the spousal sponsorship program, and who are here for two years as a conditional PR or permanent resident. Should their time in Canada be valued towards citizenship?
This is for either one of you.