Yes. From what you have explained, the onus of responsibility is put entirely on the sponsored spouse; let's say the woman in this case. The potential for abuse is wide open. Unless more responsibility is put on both sides...and this is what I had mentioned in my document. Whatever orientation, training, or education, it has to have both parties involved. Why should the sponsor not also be held responsible in this case?
I think that's something that could possibly be looked at, keeping in mind that the women who are coming from, let's say, third world countries are vulnerable, don't have the language ability, and are coming maybe from war-torn countries. There may be a sense of desperation there. I think that puts them in a very vulnerable position.
This ties in to what Shahin had said, and the gentleman mentioned honour-based violence, which is when a woman comes and decides she wants education, she wants freedom, and she wants everything every other Canadian woman has.
The sharing of responsibility is a very important component here.