Well, Mr. Chair, the impact of this particular amendment provides for the appeal of a decision made by the minister under proposed section 10. It appears to duplicate proposed section 10.7, which introduces an appeal with a certified question for the revocation of citizenship under proposed section 10.1, or the finding of inadmissibility under proposed section 10.5. The government will not be supporting this amendment, because again we feel it is not necessary.
Under the new model, the minister's revocation decision could be judicially reviewed with leave of the Federal Court. The Federal Court's decision, in turn, could be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal, if the Federal Court certifies a question of general importance. The decision of the Federal Court of Appeal, Mr. Chair, could also be appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada with leave.
Furthermore, a revocation decision made by the Federal Court could be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal if the Federal Court certifies a question of general importance, and with leave, the Federal Court of Appeal, as I said, could be appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada.
So there is enough protection there to protect against a little bit of the fear that the member, I believe, was trying to put forth here about perhaps future ministers of other parties. I appreciate his confidence in the current minister. He certainly has our confidence.
So we're going to be opposing this amendment.