Thanks for that.
To finish on the previous subject, just to be explicit here, residence is not defined in the current Citizenship Act. It is vague. It doesn't say physical presence, and hence the scope for the abuse that we're now trying to overcome.
Express entry is also a major focus of investment in these main estimates. It's the top priority of our department. It's the new system for delivering all of our economic programs starting on January 1, 2015, building on the reduced backlogs and faster processing times that we already have.
But what will it allow us to do? Instead of just mechanically processing applications as they come in, we will have a much larger group of people, interested in Canada, who've submitted their profiles. We will sort and rank those profiles based on the criteria, the point systems for economic immigration that we already have, and we will invite the ones who are best qualified, who best meet the needs of the Canadian economy today, to come here. That means the skill levels, the educational attainment, the suitability for the job market here of immigrants will be better than ever.
So it's very exciting. The Australians and New Zealanders have shown us the way on this. They have been pioneers, and we are emulating and improving on their experience. We—