We believe that pre-arrival services are important. The country is looking at scaling up pre-arrival services, but we also know there has to be a seamless transition between the kind of information that folks are getting overseas and the kind of services that they need once they arrive in Canada. Right now if we're looking at bringing in 265,000 to 285,000 folks with 65% coming through our economic class, we know that not all of those folks have access to the pre-arrival services overseas. We know that access depends on one's economic situation and whether one is able to travel to where those programs are being delivered.
There is some conversation about looking at online pre-arrival services. We absolutely support that, but we continue to stress that while pre-arrival services information is critically important for permanent immigrants in terms of making informed choices, the services once they arrive are even more important with regard to meeting their real-time needs. But yes, we absolutely support pre-arrival services.