Yes, for sure. I know that with CIC we have been, as a sector, addressing this issue through many venues, through the CCL consultations, and also through the National Settlement Council that we really are looking at.
In the short term, yes, many refugees are vulnerable. They come to Canada without anything or even without good preparation. Then we see that we have to look at the service even for a model and whether the model has to be adjusted. Many settlement services are designed for information and referrals, short-term based counselling or support. It's not really looking at settlement planning that is more long term and that has a case management approach. Now we are moving in that direction. Of course, there's always the challenge that if we are spending more time in a particular family of refugees, that means the cost will be higher. I think it's more like a balancing act. How can we incorporate long-term planning and case management, address the psychosocial needs or trauma needs of refugees, and give then more information and consistency? I think that is what we are looking at.