The words that are included in the new offences, the verbs, if you will, are “celebrates”, “aids”, and “participates”. “Celebrates”, in the context of marriage, refers to the formalities of the marriage itself. In this particular context, in regard to someone who knowingly celebrates an early or forced marriage, it would be understood to be the actions of the official who is presiding over the ceremony itself. That's a fairly limited class of individuals.
In terms of aiding and participating, these are the types of words that are used in a variety of different criminal contexts. This is not the first time that the Criminal Code would be using “aids” or “participates” in a certain type of conduct. For instance, there's an offence of aiding a person to commit suicide. The person who commits suicide is not committing an offence, but the one who aids them to do so is.
“Participating” is also an action verb that is used in offences related to terrorism and organized crime. Any person who participates in the activities of an organized crime group or a terrorist group is also committing an offence.
These are also long-standing principles of criminal law. A person who aids another person to commit an offence can also be found guilty of that offence.