Thank you for the question.
I don't have numbers offhand. I do think it's important to pay attention to the 36 months; I've heard up to three years from some countries. Certainly, inland applications are also taking up to 36 months to two years.
I had a young woman who approached me six months ago. She had come to Canada on a temporary foreign worker visa. She was in a high-skilled category and fell in love and married a Canadian citizen. While she was waiting for her sponsorship application to go through, she no longer had work authorization. During this period she lost her capacity to support herself, and the tension in the relationship was exacerbated because of the financial burden that her spouse perceived her to be, and also the culture within Canada to scrutinize marriages. So in her case having to wait up to two years to achieve work authorization was contributing to a very dangerous relationship. I wouldn't say it was yet physically violent, but certainly there was verbal abuse.
I don't know if there is a pattern, and I think it would be worthwhile to find out. I think already sponsorship application wait times have increased beyond the point of making sense, especially, as you said, when there are families involved and sometimes children involved as well.
I hope that answers your question.