Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, witnesses.
Mr. Kurland, by mentioning the term mut'a marriage you took me back to my law school in India. I still remember one of the courses we had to take in the law courses was the Hindu Marriage Act, and the second was Muhammadan law.
In those days we were young so when we studied this mut'a marriage, we laughed a little bit. We thought this was not true, to be honest with you. How can it happen that you marry someone for four hours, three hours, three days, or two days? Our understanding was that after that period you're automatically divorced. There is no liability and nothing like that.
I'm very impressed the CBSA went to that depth of all the laws and found out that small term in that act.
I have a couple of questions. One is from an immigration perspective, that is, the potential abuse of immigration, is there a possibility of this mut'a law being used? The second, quickly, because the chair will not let me go over time, from your perspective as a lawyer, I'd like you to comment on the law enforcement and the use of peace bonds against anyone who may assist in a forced or underage marriage.