The expression “barbaric cultural practices” is used in the very title of the bill. But it should be pointed out that this kind of practice is not encountered only in cultural communities. Other women across Canada are its victims, too. Further stigmatization of the issue must be avoided. As Ms. Dhillon said, the women sometimes don't speak French or English. They are also not aware of their rights.
As part of my thesis work, I met a woman who did not even know about the 911 number. First and foremost, the women have to be told about their rights in their mother tongue, so as to ensure that they understand what they are entitled to. They must also be provided with basic information such as the 911 number and be informed of their immigration rights. Some of them think they can be deported simply because their husband so wishes, and that is not the case.
In short, it's really a matter of providing them with basic information on their rights, in their mother tongue.