In fact, I wouldn't be advocating that this bill simply be amended to address the age of 18; rather, I'm pointing to the international norm, pointing out the inconsistency between what we're advocating internationally and domestically, and saying that if we're going to do anything with the minimum age, surely we need to be more careful and thoughtful about it.
My recommendation would be a careful consultation on this issue and more study. But if we were going to do anything, it would be to move it up, not to hit upon 16, and the consultation should be specifically around that issue so as to address what may be some unintended effects.
We need to understand that marriage generally is pretty complicated, because there is federal jurisdiction, there are also provinces involved, and there's an international context. This is no simple matter. But what I wanted to say is that the government's touching upon this issue and fixing it at age 16 doesn't make sense, in light of the international norm and all the evidence we have with respect to the benefits of fixing it at 18.
So government, go back to the drawing board and do some more careful study on this issue in light of the international norms.