We had an immigration committee on Tuesday, and there was a variety of academic witnesses. There was one from the University of Waterloo. I made a note of some of the comments he made.
First of all he commended the government for getting all the international students to school on time despite the challenge of the strike. But he talked about and discussed the need to bring the brightest international students to Canadian universities while at the same time expanding the numbers. He sort of probed the discussion of getting the best possible students being the number one goal while the secondary goal was numbers.
I know the colleges and universities in Canada tremendously appreciate the emphasis we have put on the recruitment of international students. I think of my own college in Barrie, Georgian College, that has seen its numbers triple. Obviously that helps build bricks and mortar, and it enhances the fabric of the college.
Could you talk a little bit about what Citizenship and Immigration is doing towards the goal of more international students and attracting the best?